Eating Raw for Real Beauty - Introduction

What you put in your body reflects on the outside. It is possible to intervene the ageing process by incorporating some smart changes in your lifestyle. 

It takes dedication and that you take action to commit to yourself over the next 8 weeks. If you want results you need to work for it. I am not going to promise this to be like a miracle cream. You have to do the job and make some changes. The awareness and readiness comes from you. The awareness and readiness comes from you. But don't worry, I m here to help you every step of the way.

I have done a lot of the preparation for you. I have used myself as the Ginny pig so I know what works. I only want the best result for you and I will available to help you throughout the program. Use the comment box below for any questions you might have while actively participating in each session.

Before you go ahead and start on the quiz in session 2, do go through the 12 sings of ageing and see where you might need to do some extra bit of work.

Are you starting to get more fine lines around the eyes?

Then I know you cant wait to get to the 2nd Session of this Program as there are some great face yoga exercises to work on that.

Or do you feel sluggish in the evening and starting to get more

brown marks on your body?

That my dear is an indication that your liver might need some TLC from you. You will start to address this by following the 3 Day Menu plan every week and you will then be better prepared for the Glowtox in Session 2 (the beauty Detox)

Anyway, I am not going to keep you long here as I know you want to dive in and discover this all by your self. Best wishes and congratulation for taking the step towards more beautiful and healthier you.

Lets get Beautiful Skin with Beautiful Food!

Much Love


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